are you?

April 30, 2009

inspired by my high skul friend’s blog…

it’s been a while

i was and am improving myself in several aspects



April 30, 2009

lately…makin byk ajah orang aneh

tp dia blg..mgkn mereka cape kalee plg kntr, lg byk kerjaan or PMS kalee (ini mnrt g)

maybe… yahh..

try to ignore thennn

tlah terbiasa

April 27, 2009

Jeda hati sekian lama
Kini terisi mesra kehadiranmu
Jiwa lelah berkelana
Menetap sudah didalam pelukanmu

Bibir yang bisu
Telah terbiasa memanggil namamu
Lengan yang beku
Telah terbiasa memeluk dirimu

Lama aku mencarimu
Cinta yang selalu kudamba
Jangan pernah lepas, berpaling lagi
Karena ku telah terbiasa mencintaimu

Gelap malam tiada bintang
Bersinar hangat berkat belaianmu
Hampa mata tak memandang
Melihat jelas indah senyumanmu


April 27, 2009

two of my relatives just lost their husbands, it occurred less than one month

me….currently ..i feel lost several friends…closest ones…used to be..

lost of someone ..something …always left the trace in your life, just leave it there, no need to ask why he/she/it is away coz it should just happened for her/his/its own good

but MOST is for MY OWN good


April 24, 2009

masuk kamar d kosan ga semangadh,berasa lemes (jiwa dan raga) mu ngap2in males, males mandi, mu nyuci jg males..padahal uda direndem dr pagi, ngenet kadang2 ngehang n error gini tp gpp d, at least amuse me a bit, mu ngerjain tugas ga semangat juga, lg iflil baca majalah or novel, pgn k bdg tp ga bisa, pgn lama2 brg dia tp ga bisa jg, maen k mal jg males, even nntn dvd jd males here i am stuck with my laptop, nowhere to go, nothing to do ..


April 22, 2009

i do mistakes to finally do the rite thing correctly then i might need to meet the wrong one previously to realize that i have found the rite one currently

(not) in a good mood

April 22, 2009

4 d last 2 days im so eager to complete my task, but today..dunno feel so lazy to do anything, let’s put aside my pain of eyes and dizziness, i had slept earlier than d last few days,but still got up for around one to two hours at midnite, let say i was doing nothing tiring activities after working hours, let’s see about my thoughts, i have tried to settle up one of my currently problems,and in fact i feel fine with it, another thing, yup..i know maybe that’s it, hence it’s been years, still no positive movement (progress) about it, it may rise up since the text i received about 2 days ago, my friends told me to forget bout it and move on, i keep on trying but still smtm it makes me a bit miserable.enough …no more sorrow for today

my mistake

April 22, 2009

been quite long time i didnt wear my glasses or use my softlenses


so here i am…my eyes are irritated  and  i feel a bit dizzy


April 19, 2009


rite time

rite man

rite everything

is coming on its way


stop it

April 6, 2009

uring2an terusss.

my mind is flying going to everywhere with no destination point

all is gonna be fine

surely it is..