2019 – to do

New year ….new resolution.

Been years I did not make any…just want to be a better version of me on each year.

So, what I want to do this year is trying to be minimalists in life.

Actually, I have started to declutter last year but the project is still on progress till now.

To be highlighted that this year I wanna to be more focus n less waste.

I have watched videos on decluttering, minimalism, also read both the books and e book.

About less waste, been several years I have divided the waste n send the recycle bin to waste bank in my neighborhood every Saturday and bring my own bag when shopping groceries or else.

More on tidying up stuffs, I have eliminated so much clothes to be given to those who need them, but I’m still doing it coz I feel still overwhelmed with clothes in my wardrobe. I have finished sorting out books both in Depok and Bandung. I also have finished tidying up my shoes and bag collection.

So, now here I am, still struggling with tidying up, good bye things and SPARK JOY.

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